Birth Control Section

Birth Control

Take control of your reproductive health with a safe and comprehensive birth control plan.

At Swan Mountain Women’s & Family Clinic, our caring and compassionate team of providers is knowledgeable and able to counsel you on all currently available methods of birth control.

Our providers are able to prescribe all forms of contraception, which include oral pills, transdermal patches, and vaginal rings. We are also able to administer the injectable contraceptive, medroxyprogesterone acetate, (Depo-Provera®) in our office.

We also provide in-office placement of all available forms of long-acting reversible contraceptives.

Nexplanon ® is a single rod progestin implant that provides coverage for up to 3 years, but can be removed if pregnancy is desired sooner.

Progestin (hormonal) intrauterine devices (IUDs) available in our office include: Skyla ®, Kyleena ®, and Mirena ®.

We are also one of the few providers in the county that offer the non-hormonal copper IUD, Paragard ®.

Our gynecologists are also able to provide emergency contraception either by oral prescription, or via the Paragard ® IUD.

During our intrauterine device (IUD) placement procedures, our gynecologists are able to provide additional in-office anesthesia via a numbing agent with an additional procedure called a paracervical block. This can aid in decreasing discomfort associated with the procedure. Discuss this with your doctor if you are interested in this option.

Our gynecologists at Swan Mountain Women’s and Family Clinic are also able to counsel you on your options for permanent contraception – whether it may be a vasectomy for your partner or permanent surgical sterilization options.

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Benefits of Birth Control

In addition to prevention of unplanned pregnancies, hormonal contraception offers many benefits to women that include:

1. Protection From Serious Health Risks

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, women are less likely to develop long-term reproductive health conditions, such as ovarian and uterine cancer, when taking a combined estrogen/progestin oral contraceptive.
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2. Regulation of Menstrual Symptoms

Combined hormonal contraception options can balance hormonal fluctuations during reproductive cycles and reduce menstrual issues such as irregular bleeding, PMS symptoms, perimenopausal symptoms, acne, and excessive body hair growth. Progestin IUDs are very helpful in the treatment of heavy and painful periods.
SMWC - Woman having abdominal pain or menstrual period

3. Management of Endometriosis and Other Infections

Contraceptives can be helpful in the treatment of pelvic pain and endometriosis. The treatment of endometriosis is complex and should be discussed with your gynecologist.
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Birth Control Services

Some of our birth control options include:
We also provide educational resources for using other barrier methods such as condoms, cervical caps, and contraceptive sponges, and counseling on the use of patient-controlled non-hormonal methods.

Why Visit Swan Mountain Women's & Family Clinic

Swan Mountain Women’s & Family Clinic has served women and families in the region for more than a decade. Thanks to our roster of seasoned doctors and medical practitioners and state-of-the-art facilities, we have delivered excellent obstetric, gynecologic, and primary care, and are proud to continue our service to our community.

What to Expect When You Visit Us

At Swan Mountain Women’s & Family Clinic, our team of doctors and medical practitioners deliver compassionate and personalized health care. We always provide seamless service through a systematic approach. Here’s how we do it:

Our virtual health visits allow us to connect with our patients whenever they are needed. Call us or fill out our contact form for more details.

Business Hours

Learn More About Your Options

Visit our birth control clinic and learn more about the available options as you plan and space your pregnancies.
At Swan Mountain Women’s & Family Clinic, the expertise and proficiency of our seasoned health care team will help you find the best birth and fertility control method that works for you. Book an appointment with us today!

Swan Mountain Women’s and Family Clinic remains IN-NETWORK

with most BCBS plans despite the current issues with CommonSpirit and the local hospital. Please refer HERE (“accepted insurances”) for a full list of our accepted insurances. If you are a current patient with BCBS, please click HERE (“see below for letter to link”) for an important announcement.